Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5 - Adachi - Challenge 25 - New Solution [Tips in Description]

2022-04-08 1

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax 2.5
Challenge Mode
Character: Tohru Adachi
Challenge 25

Objective: do a 6000-damage combo.

- Numerical notation:
+ Preparation 1: 236236B (it must hit Yu, buffs Adachi)
+ Preparation 2: 214214B (it doesn't need to hit Yu, buffs the persona)
+ Preparation 3: 236CD (buffs the combo damage)
+ Actual combo: (Adachi in the corner) 236236B, 236B~B, dash, 5B (1 hit), 5C, OMB, 5B (1 hit), 5C (1 hit), 2C, 236AB~A, 214214CD

- Arrows notations:
+ Preparation 1: ↓↘→↓↘→ + B (it must hit Yu, buffs Adachi)
+ Preparation 2: ↓↙←↓↙← + B (it doesn't need to hit Yu, buffs the persona)
+ Preparation 3: ↓↘→CD (buffs the combo damage)
+ Actual combo: (Adachi in the corner) ↓↘→↓↘→ + B, ↓↘→ + B ~ B, dash, B (1 hit), C, OMB, B (1 hit), C (1 hit), ↓ + C, ↓↘→ + AB ~ A, ↓↙←↓↙← + CD

Detailed Explanation:
Preparation 1: 236236B (execute this super to buff Adachi's damage. The super needs to hit Yu to activate the buff. It is better using the AB version, that doesn't need to hit Yu in order to get the buff. But I discovered that when the video was already done. Adachi's face needs to appear above the meter bar to confirm that the buff is active),
Preparation 2: 214214B (execute this super to buff the persona damage. More specifically, It will buff the damage of the super in the end. It doesn't need to hit Yu in order to get the buff. The persona's face needs to appear above the meter bar to confirm that the buff is active),
Preparation 3: 236CD (execute this move to put Yu in fear state. Fear will make the next hit do a fatal counter, which makes the combo easier to do and buffs the damage. Yu must be purple to confirm that the fear is active),
put Adachi in the corner,
236236B (start the combo with this super. The super will launch Yu in the air),
236B~B (let Yu fall a bit and then do this move and its follow-up. It will throw Yu to the corner and make him bounce against the wall. Do the move with the B button then quickly press A or B to do the follow-up),
dash, 5B, 5C (when Adachi recovers, run and then do sequence 5B, immediately canceled in 5C. Take care to not hit Yu while he is too high or 5C may whiff. 5B is a multi-hitting move, but I didn't test what will happen if you let this move hit more times, so I don't know what will happen if you do so),
OMB (One More Bust. Press ACD in the exact moment 5C hits the first time. If the persona grabs Yu after 5C you are late. It should launch Yu into the air),
dash (after the OMB, get closer to Yu. I did a dash, but I suppose that just walking forward probably will work too),
5B, 5C, 2C (let Yu fall a bit a then do the sequence 5B, immediately canceled in 5C, immediately canceled in 2C. Take care to not hit Yu while he is too high or 5C may whiff or 2C may whiff the grab in the end. Let 5B do just a hit and cancel 5C before the persona grabs Yu. If 2C hits but doesn't grabs Yu in air, you need do catch Yu while he is lower in the air),

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